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Formatador de Relatório - ReportBuilder (Resumo do guia do desenvolvedor)

1. Select the plEmployee DataPipeline in the Data Tree.

2. Drag the FirstName field into the title band, positioning the mouse to the immediate right of the Date label.

3. Position the selection:

Left 2.2083

4. Align the top of the new DBText with the top of the Date DBText component.

5. Set the label Caption to Sales Rep.

6. Place a shape component in the left side of the title band.

7. Align the left edge of the shape with the Number label and stretch the width until the right edge is flush with the right edge of the Sales Rep label.

8. Configure the shape:

Top 0.1
Height 0.08
Fill Color White
Line Color White

9. Place a label directly on top of the shape, positioning it near the shape's midpoint.

10. Configure the label:

AutoSize False
Caption Order
Font Name Times New Roman
Font Size 12
Font Style Bold
Font Color White
Highlight Color Navy
Text Alignment Centered
Width 0.55

11. Select the white shape, then Shift-click the Order Label. Click on the Align Middle and Align Center icons of the Align or Space toolbar.

12. Select File | Save from the Delphi main menu.

13. Click the Preview tab to view the report. Click the next page buttons to preview several pages. When you are done previewing, return to the Design workspace.