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Formatador de Relatório - ReportBuilder (Resumo do guia do desenvolvedor)

1. Select the System Variable component on the far right of the footer band.

2. Use the drop-down list control in the far left corner of the Report Designer to change the variable type from PageNoDesc to PageSetDesc.

3. Click the Select Report icon, which appears at upper left corner of the Report Designer where the horizontal and vertical rulers meet. This will select the report object in the Object Inspector.

4 Locate the PassSetting property of the Report in the Object Inspector.

5. Make sure it is set to psTwoPass. This property is set automatically when you select a SystemVariable type that requires a Page Count.

Note: Setting the report PassSetting on psTwoPass will cause the report engine to generate all of the pages automatically. One-pass reports only generate the first page, and then any pages requested after that. This does not allow the report to calculate the total number of pages. Two-pass reports are required whenever you are using the Page- Count in a System Variable.